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Maha Rishi Marichi

In the Rigveda, there are several hymns attributed to Sage Marichi. While the exact authorship of individual hymns is not always explicitly mentioned, Sage Marichi is traditionally associated with the following hymns:

Rigveda 1.27: This hymn is known as the “Marichi Sukta” or the hymn of Marichi. It praises the power and glory of Agni, the deity of fire.

Rigveda 1.28: This hymn, also known as the “Vamadeva Sukta,” is attributed to Sage Marichi. It glorifies the deity Vamadeva and expresses reverence for divine wisdom and cosmic order.

Rigveda 1.29: This hymn is attributed to Marichi and praises the deity Agni, invoking his blessings and protection.

Rigveda 3.62: This hymn, attributed to Sage Marichi, is dedicated to Agni and invokes his blessings for prosperity and well-being.

Rigveda 5.37: This hymn is attributed to Marichi and praises the deity Agni, extolling his greatness and seeking his blessings.

Based on the available evidence and references, it is possible to tentatively suggest that hymns 3.62 and 5.37 in the Rigveda could be older than hymns 1.27, 1.28, and 1.29.

Rigveda 3.62:

Devanagari: अग्नि इन्द्रं पूरयिता दक्षिणा तवष्टा विश्वरूपः समुद्रम्। अपः पुरोधासं दधाति वाजिनं गृणन्त उश्मान्तं द्यावापृथिवीः॥

Phonetic English: Agni Indram pūrayitā dakṣiṇā tvaṣṭā vishvarūpaḥ samudram. Apah purodhāsaṁ dadhāti vājinam gṛṇanta uśmāntaṁ dyāvāpṛthivīḥ.

Meaning: Agni, the purifier, fills Indra with power, Tvaṣṭā (the divine artist) has a universal form, like the ocean. He places the sacrificial ladle in the waters, the divine horses are inspired, the heavens and earth are aglow.

Rigveda 5.37:

Devanagari: समुद्रायाः सवितसे गवामाधिपतये। येनेमानि जीवसे॥

Phonetic English: Samudrāyāḥ savitase gavāmādhipataye. Yenemāni jīvase.

Meaning: O Lord of the cows, who rules over the waters and the Sun, by whom allliving beings live.