Food and Water


Women’s role in agriculture and food security in India

Women play a crucial role in agriculture and food security in India. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), women make up around...

Sustainable farming practices in India:

Opportunities and challenges Sustainable farming practices in India have become increasingly important in recent years due to the rising awareness of environmental degradation and the...

Malnutrition in India: Causes, consequences, and solutions

Malnutrition is a serious problem in India, affecting millions of people across the country. Malnutrition can lead to a range of health problems, including...

JanSankalp Foundation’s Water Conservation Initiative

Yarraguntapalli Village, Anantapuram District JanSankalp Foundation, through its dedicated efforts, is actively involved in water conservation in Yarraguntapalli village, located in Anantapuram district. An individual...


ChatGPT Facts by Krishnammagaru

Explore ChatGPT facts by Krishnammagaru, detailing its capabilities and impact in insightful and informative ways. For research purposes or when seeking detailed factual information without...

Sattvic Diet: Purifies the Mind, body, and Soul.

Guidelines on Diet and Gunas from the Bhagavad Gita The overwhelming sensation of calm that permeates every aspect of this age-old medical practice is what...

The first covenanted ICS officer of the Madras Presidency

This story was lying in my drafts folder for a long time, as I was not able to establish the identity of the character...