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Mandala 2, Hymn 6 (RV 2.6):

Devanagari: तविषीं तमिषीं वव्रे प्रतिकर्षीं रोदसीं रदसीं सरूणाम्। प्रचेतसो अवयजंशुरं गोपामुषासं वरजो असिनः॥

Transliteration: taviṣīṃ tamiṣīṃ vavre pratikarṣīṃ rodasīṃ radasīṃ sarūṇām pracetaso avayajaṃśuraṃ gopāmuṣāsaṃ varajo asinaḥ

Translation: I have chosen you, the fiery, the radiant, the encompassing, the captivating, You, Pracetas, who possess wisdom, the protector, the overlord, the hero among heroes.

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