- Marichi (One of the Saptarishis, mind-born son of Brahma)
- Kashyapa (Son of Marichi, a Prajapati)
- Atri (One of the Saptarishis, mind-born son of Brahma)
- Angiras (One of the Saptarishis, mind-born son of Brahma)
- Brihaspati (Son of Angiras, guru of the Devas)
- Utathya (Son of Angiras)
- Vrihaspati (Son of Utathya, inherited his father’s position as guru of the Devas)
- Pulastya (One of the Saptarishis, mind-born son of Brahma)
- Pulaha (One of the Saptarishis, mind-born son of Brahma)
- Kratu (One of the Saptarishis, mind-born son of Brahma)
- Vashishtha (One of the Saptarishis, mind-born son of Brahma)
Prithvi (Daughter of Brahma, Earth Goddess)