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  5. Mandala 2, Hymn 12 (RV 2.12):

Mandala 2, Hymn 12 (RV 2.12):

Devanagari: यः ते मनो न तनुवां विशन्ति ये त्वा मनो रुहाणि सूर्यमानि। तेषां त्वचं सुरथ उशनाः सखायः पितुः सवनाय नवे वयं गर्भे॥

Transliteration: yaḥ te mano na tanuvāṃ viśanti ye tvā mano ruhāṇi sūryamāni teṣāṃ tvacaṃ suratha uśanāḥ sakhāyaḥ pituḥ sāvanāya nave vayaṃ garbhe

Translation: Those whose minds do not penetrate you, those who rise not towards you like the ascending sun, For them, your skin, O Suratha, is warm, O friends, for the sake of the father, for the new oblation, we are in the womb.

Mandala 2 of the Rigveda:

Devanagari: अग्ने य इमं द्वितीयं मन्द्रमाहुर्वीरं चक्रथुरं चन्द्रं च नक्षत्रं च । यद्धास्यात्पुरूषं जातमजायमानं विश्वं भुवनं जगतो यस्य वासि ॥

Transliteration: agne ya imaṃ dvitīyaṃ mandramāhurvīraṃ cakrathuraṃ cha chandraṃ cha nakṣatraṃ cha | yaddhāsyātpurūṣaṃ jātamajāyamānaṃ viśvaṃ bhuvanaṃ jagato yasya vāsi ||

Translation: O Agni, they call this hymn the second, the hymn that is praised, the hymn that is circular, the hymn that is the moon, the hymn that is the constellation. For the person who is born and is being born, for the one in whom the universe, the world, resides.

Please note that the translation provided is a general interpretation, and the precise meaning of certain terms may vary based on different states of mind, time and place of understanding, and also the perspective of the individual.