- Agni – Fire
- yajña – Sacrifice
- yajñebhiḥ – With sacrifices
- arhuti – Offering
- sāman – Chant
- brahma – Brahman (the all-pervading reality)
- hotar – Invoker
- viṣṇu – Vishnu (the all-pervading god)
- puruhūta – The Supreme Being
- viśvatomukham – With the face turned in all directions
Translation: I invoke Agni, the deity of sacrifice, with the offerings and the hymns of sacrifice. With the sacrifices, the chants, and the rituals, I invoke the all-pervading Brahman through the acts of sacrifice. I invoke the Invoker, the Offering-Priest, the all-pervading Vishnu, and the Puruhuta (the Supreme Being) with the face turned in all directions.