

Atma Paramatma Advaya Namah: A Meaningful Tribute to the Departed

The one thing which profoundly impacted me is when I saw what death means in Kashi. At Manikarnika Ghat, it's explained how death is...

Transforming Lives through Free Modern Eye Camp:

JanSankalp Foundation and Sankara Netralaya Collaborate in Yerraguntapalli JanSankalp Foundation, in partnership with Sankara Netralaya, Chennai, organized a transformative Free Modern Eye Camp in Yerraguntapalli,...

Dharma is Simple

one’s prescribed duties! by Balaji P. Krishnammagaru Dharma Explained श्रेयान्स्वधर्मो विगुणः परधर्मात्स्वनुष्ठितात्।स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah para-dharmat sv-anusthitatsva-dharme nidhanam sreyah para-dharmo bhayavahah।।3.35।। It is far...

Providing Essential Support:

Ensuring 1200 Families Receive Fruits and Vegetables During Lockdown, the Jansnakalp Foundation has been instrumental in this initiative. In the face of challenging times, we...

Ensuring Clean Water for All:

JanSankalp Foundation's Cleanliness Drive in Yerraguntapalli Village Water is an essential element for every aspect of human existence, from sustenance and sanitation to maintaining good...

JanSankalp Foundation’s Water Conservation Initiative

Yarraguntapalli Village, Anantapuram District JanSankalp Foundation, through its dedicated efforts, is actively involved in water conservation in Yarraguntapalli village, located in Anantapuram district. An individual...

Educational Classes for the students of 7th, 8th, and 9th grades

Jansankalp Trainers Balaji Krishnammagaru Under the guidance of Dasari Anand Yadav, Jansankalp Foundation organized educational classes for the students of 7th, 8th, and 9th grades....

Jansankalp Foundation Facilitates Construction of Mud Road

for Convenience in Yarraguntapalli Village In a significant development facilitated by Jansankalp Foundation, a mud road is being laid from Yarraguntapalli village, located in the...

Enhancing Student Comfort and Learning:

Jansankalp Foundation Donates Furniture to Yerraguntapalli School Under the guidance and support of Dasari Anand Yadav from Jansankalp Foundation, valuable furniture has been provided to...


Are We Failing Our Children? Corruption as Subject in Education System 

In schools, religious organizations, and virtually everywhere else, we teach our children about honesty, integrity, and moral responsibility. Adherence to the authority of Teachers,...

British Loot of India : A Prespective

Calculating an approximate amount that the United Kingdom would need to pay India for the damages caused during colonial rule is a complex and...

ChatGPT Facts by Krishnammagaru

Explore ChatGPT facts by Krishnammagaru, detailing its capabilities and impact in insightful and informative ways. Balaji Krishnammagaru - Jansankalp Foundation For research purposes or when seeking...