

Traditional Medicine in Modern India

Traditional medicine has been practiced in India for centuries and plays a vital role in the country's healthcare system. Traditional medicine includes various forms...

“Avoid Antibiotics – there is light at the end of the tunnel”

WHO has declared that AMR is one of the top 10 global public health threats facing humanity. Misuse and overuse of antimicrobials are the main drivers in the development of drug-resistant pathogens.- Avoid Antibiotics

Access to healthcare in India: Issues and solutions

Access to healthcare is a fundamental right of every individual, and it is essential for the overall development of a nation. In India, access...

Marine pollution in India: Causes and solutions for a cleaner ocean

Marine pollution is a significant environmental problem in India, with the country being home to one of the largest coastlines in the world. The...

Deforestation and biodiversity loss in India: Causes and solutions

Deforestation and biodiversity loss are significant environmental challenges facing India. The country has lost a significant portion of its forest cover in the last...

Urbanization and its impact on the environment in India: Challenges and sustainable solutions

Urbanization is the process by which people migrate from rural to urban areas to seek better opportunities and a better standard of living. India,...

Gurukul Culture of Education in India: A Journey through Time

India has a rich history of education, with the Gurukul system being one of the oldest and most revered. In the Gurukul system, students...

Preserving Cultural Believes in India 2023

India is a land of diverse cultures, beliefs, and traditions. With a history spanning thousands of years, India has always been known for its...

Growth Of Technology and Its Impact on Indian Culture

India has witnessed a significant growth in technology in the past few decades. With the rise of the internet, mobile devices, and social media,...

Influence of Colonialism on Indian Culture

The influence of colonialism on Indian culture has been significant and long-lasting. For over 200 years, India was ruled by various European powers, including...


British Loot of India : A Prespective

Calculating an approximate amount that the United Kingdom would need to pay India for the damages caused during colonial rule is a complex and...

ChatGPT Facts by Krishnammagaru

Explore ChatGPT facts by Krishnammagaru, detailing its capabilities and impact in insightful and informative ways. Balaji Krishnammagaru - Jansankalp Foundation For research purposes or when seeking...

Sattvic Diet: Purifies the Mind, body, and Soul.

Guidelines on Diet and Gunas from the Bhagavad Gita The overwhelming sensation of calm that permeates every aspect of this age-old medical practice is what...