Health Camp in Rampur Nyalsu, Uttarakhand

Jansankalp Foundation recently organized a health check-up camp in Rampur Nyalsu, Uttarakhand, with the aim of providing essential healthcare services to the local community. The camp specifically targeted students and elders, providing them with free health check-ups and distributing necessary medicines. Over 50 individuals benefited from the camp, receiving medical attention and medications without any cost.

Jansankalp Foundation is committed to organizing health camps regularly across various villages in Uttarakhand. By actively engaging with the local communities and addressing their concerns, the foundation strives to provide timely healthcare solutions. After discussions with local women and understanding their specific problems and healthcare needs, prompt action was taken to address them effectively.

To ensure continuous access to healthcare services, Jansankalp Foundation has established the Jansankalp Smart Clinic Phata. This clinic is staffed with a team of pediatricians and specialist doctors who are always available to provide free consultations and necessary medical assistance. Through the clinic, the foundation aims to promote comprehensive healthcare services and facilitate the availability of essential medicines to those in need.

Under the leadership of Balaji Krishnammagaru, Jansankalp Foundation remains dedicated to improving the health and well-being of the people in Uttarakhand. The foundation’s initiatives, including the health camp in Rampur Nyalsu and the Jansankalp Smart Clinic Phata, strive to create a positive impact on the healthcare landscape of the community.



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