MedOnGo Smart Health Platform
The MedOnGo SHP solution deployed for TMC Aapla Dawakhana (E-Smart Clinic) will consists of the
following components.
PHS-HS (Preventive Health Screening-Household Survey) Module
The PHS-HS module will be used in case of pre-registration of the families. This can also be used to
perform preventive screening of the patients for NCDs as well as other outreach activities.
The following are the components of the PHS-HS module
● Mobile solution for door step processing
● Pre-registration of patients and families
● Gathering of biometric information
● SMS/Mail notification of registration
● Store and forward mechanism for offline functionality
● Pre-screening for NCDs
MedOnGo SHP multi-Tab Solutions
MedOnGo’s SHP will be a 3 model that delivers a full-fledged smart clinic experience even in areas with
poor to no connectivity. The store and forward mechanism built into the system will ensure continuous
operation even in case of power/network outage. Each operator in the clinic will operate on a tab with
specific functionalities. The following picture briefly illustrates the workflow

The functional flow can be explained as follows.
● The Health-worker (Registration Desk) is responsible for confirming the validity of the existing/new
patient using UUID / biometrics etc. New patients are registered. Health card generation, Gathering
of Vitals using MedOnGo Vital Signs Monitor, Social and medical history is performed here
● The Doctor (Consultation Desk) performs the consultation of the patients prescribe appropriate
tests and medications.
● The Pharmacist (Nursing Desk) will be able to manage the inventory, dispense medication and
administer drugs to the patients.
THANE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION – Aapla Dawakhana (E-Smart Clinic)
8 | Page MedOnGo Health Pvt. Ltd. Company Confidential
● The Phlebotomist (Laboratory Desk) will be responsible for gathering the samples if any and track
the request for lab examination and generate appropriate reports if any.
The MedOnGo’s Smart Health Platform is easy to use portable and powerful software to manage clinics.
It can be used for Patient Management, Clinic Management, OPD and IPD Management, with online as
well as offline data support. It also manages Electronic Medical Records (EMR) with ease and is a
comprehensive software solution for support activities.
The proposed SHP solution will have the following modules
Biometric Authentication, Registration and Health card generation
Patient EMR
RMNCH+A module (ANC, PNC, Anemia, Malnutrition, Vaccination etc…)
Inventory Management
Laboratory Management
MIS and Analytics
Preventive Health Screening-Home Screening (For Pre-registration, For
screening NCDs like CVD, HT, Cancer – oral, cervical etc…)
Administration and Billing