Mahavatar Babaji - Historical Evidence

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Who made Mahavatar Babaji Famous

Paramahansa Yogananda was the first to mention Mahavatar Babaji in his famous book, Autobiography of a Yogi (1946).  While there might be mentions of Babaji in other, less-known historical manuscripts or oral traditions, Yogananda’s book brought Babaji to the world’s attention.

Key points to consider:

  1. Limited historical records: Information about Mahavatar Babaji is primarily passed down through lineages of disciples and spiritual traditions. Concrete historical evidence is scarce.
  2. Yogananda’s account: Yogananda’s book is the most widely recognized source of information about Babaji, describing him as an immortal Himalayan yogi who taught Kriya Yoga to Lahiri Mahasaya.  
  3. Other mentions: There might be other, less-known sources mentioning Babaji, but these haven’t been as widely disseminated or recognized as Yogananda’s book.

Therefore, based on available information and widespread recognition, Paramahansa Yogananda is credited with first mentioning Mahavatar Babaji.  

Additional points:

  1. Some believe Babaji to be an ageless being, existing for centuries. If true, mentions in ancient texts might exist but remain undiscovered or unverified.  
  2. The nature of Babaji’s existence and teachings often leans towards the spiritual and mystical, making historical verification challenging.

In conclusion, while the exact origins of information about Mahavatar Babaji might remain shrouded in mystery, Paramahansa Yogananda’s book is the most widely recognized source introducing him to the world