Mahavatar Babaji - Historical Evidence

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Roaster of meetings with Mhavatar Babaji

Roster of those who claimed to have encountered the elusive Mahavatar Babaji! It’s a fascinating pursuit, but one that requires careful navigation, as accounts vary in reliability and verification.

Here’s a list of individuals with claims to have met Babaji, along with notes on their accounts:

1. Lahiri Mahasaya (1828-1895):

  1. Claim: Met Babaji in 1861 in the Himalayas, receiving Kriya Yoga initiation.
  2. Source: His own book “Kaivalya Darsanam” (1894), the first published account mentioning Babaji.
  3. Reliability: Considered a reliable source, as Lahiri Mahasaya was a respected figure and his account forms the foundation of modern Kriya Yoga lineages.
